Scott McKay is a Toronto strategist, writer, creative director, patient manager, half-baked photographer and forcibly retired playwright.

This little site is designed to introduce him and his thoughts to the world. (Whether the world appreciates the intro is another matter.) If you'd like to chat, then you can guess what the boxes below are for.


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    LifeScan "Inspiration" campaign

    the challenge: to boost sagging share of the blood glucose meter market for LifeScan by going straight to consumers living with type 1 diabetes – encouraging them to live an active life, and standing out from the competition in a very product-focused category

    the creative strategy: to inspire people with the story of Sébastien Sasseville, the first Canadian with type 1 diabetes to climb Mount Everest

    the execution: a crew followed Sébastien to Everest base camp to create :60 and :30 DRTV spots that were truly authentic and conveyed his sense of passion and achievement, along with DM and online banners

    the result: in an unprecedented success for the category, we were close to meeting target within 3 weeks (before legal issues forced campaign off air, sigh)

    the team: Ian Martin (AD), Scott McKay (CW and co-CD), Andy Montague (co-CD) at MacLaren MRM

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