LifeScan "Inspiration" campaign
Sunday, January 10, 2010 at 12:31AM

the challenge: to boost sagging share of the blood glucose meter market for LifeScan by going straight to consumers living with type 1 diabetes – encouraging them to live an active life, and standing out from the competition in a very product-focused category

the creative strategy: to inspire people with the story of Sébastien Sasseville, the first Canadian with type 1 diabetes to climb Mount Everest

the execution: a crew followed Sébastien to Everest base camp to create :60 and :30 DRTV spots that were truly authentic and conveyed his sense of passion and achievement, along with DM and online banners

the result: in an unprecedented success for the category, we were close to meeting target within 3 weeks (before legal issues forced campaign off air, sigh)

the team: Ian Martin (AD), Scott McKay (CW and co-CD), Andy Montague (co-CD) at MacLaren MRM

Article originally appeared on thoughts and work (
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