Needless to say, given the different hats I wear, my role is different from piece to piece. Sometimes, as with earlier pieces for DAC Group and Zellers, it's my writing you're looking at, as part of a concept dreamed up with a partner.
With the World Vision DRTV and YMCA campaign, I played both writer and CD, not only getting my hands dirty with actual writing and concepting, but also doing typical CD stuff: helping to shape the initial strategy, leading the client presentation, keeping everyone on track throughout execution, and being around for campaign analysis.
For other work I've played purely a CD role, but one that (I like to think) mattered to the final result. For instance, on the World Vision "Water is Everything" DM, the team's concept was great and didn't need much input from me; I was the one who insisted, over the course of several meetings, to a dubious client that she needed to test such a powerful package. (She did, successfully.) For the Lean Cuisine site, my role consisted of finding a way to sell what was essentially a blog to a client who didn't want a blog. (We simply called it something else. And sold it.) And for the Smarties site interface, I pushed the team into doing something unique. (Five years later, our idea was still live, and still pretty cool.)
Hope you like it.