every new iPhone user leaves someone else farther behind
Monday, June 7, 2010 at 9:49PM
Scott in digital, technology

I know people are salivating about today's iPhone 4 announcement, and that's great for those who see technology as fashion; people who are burning to trade up to the latest and greatest. A lot of people in our business would claim membership in this club, and this is probably a good thing professionally.

But it's also slightly misleading.

Because there are a lot of people around like the senior communications professional who was leading a team getting ready for a presentation, in the potential client's building. When there was a problem getting a wireless connection – vital because much of the deck contained links – this senior person asked, "Do the windows in here open?"

The minions were nonplussed at this non sequitur, but one of them dignified it with, "I don't know, why?"

"Well," he replied, "then we could hold the cables out the window to get better wireless reception."

There are early adopters who are passionate and knowledgeable about technology; we work with them, and we may in fact be them. But don't confuse them with your consumer (or your co-workers or bosses) unless that info is specifically in the brief.

Most people use the Internet like they use cars or microwaves – they know just enough about the technology to do the stuff they need, and no more. Because, basically, most people just don't give a shit about technology. They have better things to do with their lives.

Article originally appeared on thoughts and work (http://scottmckay.ca/).
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